Posts Tagged ‘greed’

Great news.

Yesterday California Attorney General Kamala Harris announced she was teaming up with Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto to investigate and prosecute foreclosure fraud and misconduct in the mortgage industry.1

In announcing the move, Attorney General Harris said, “The mortgage crisis is a law enforcement matter, and we will prosecute to hold accountable those who are responsible and also protect the homeowners who are targeted for fraud.”

The alliance with Nevada’s attorney general is a very positive move by Attorney General Harris, whom we know has been pressured by the Obama administration to cut a terrible deal with Wall Street banks that lets them off the hook.

California and Nevada are the two states that have been hardest hit by the foreclosure crisis. And Nevada Attorney General Masto has been one of the most aggressive state attorneys general in holding banks accountable for wrongdoing, including criminally indicting a number of people.

The alliance to share information, litigation strategies and evidence for both civil and criminal cases has the potential to set the stage for meaningful accountability for illegal mortgage practices that harmed millions of people in California, Nevada and across the country.

And this would not have happened without the hard work by members of CREDO and other progressive organizations who worked hard to become a forceful counterweight to the political pressure from Washington and from Wall Street to sweep this issue under the carpet.

After a recent Wall Street Journal article reported that Attorney General Harris, who had stopped participating in 50-state settlement negotiations, was being wooed back to the table, CREDO members made over 1,400 calls and sent over 8,000 faxes to her office. And we were joined by groups like MoveOn, Progressives United and Color of Change. On the ground groups, like ACCE, PICO and the New Bottom Line organized protests and rallies to demonstrate strong support for holding the banks accountable.

The fact that Attorney General Harris is deciding to join forces with the only attorney general yet to make indictments — rather than the White House which wants to get back to business as usual on Wall Street — is a very good sign for the future.

The real victory will come when California’s investigations are underway and indictments are issued by Attorney General Harris’ office — we hope that day comes soon.

Bloomberg has unveiled that the Fed  “Pumped” liquidity for 770 BILLIONS (*), to the American Banks, go get over the financial crisis. That is, they pushed a button and created value from thin air. They did it covertly, in a way that wouldn’t set the markets on High Alert mode. So, I’m wondering if, instead of giving all that money to the banks, they gave it to the People? After all, It’s the PEOPLE that can’t pay their mortgages, not the banks, right?.

Now, in America there are more or less  528 millions people. So it will be about $15000 each. Not much.

But this line of thought doesn’t work very well, because we are giving the money even to the newborn. So, let’s move the thought to the FAMILIES, that are about 115 millions. That will bring the amount to roughly $67000 per family. Better already. With $67000, a family can start a business, work and create jobs… Restarting the economy in the process.

If we restrict the “Gift” to only the families in trouble, or potentially in trouble because involved in the damn subprime, then you will understand that the problem would have been solved altogether. Moreover, everybody would have a home, no foreclosures, people would have been working and happy.

Yep… But doing things this way would have caused the collapse of several banks

(*): From Milano Finanza:

In the latest Global Financial Stability Report, the International Monetary Fund updated to $410 Billions the total amount of loss of the world financial institutions in the 2007-10 period. The losses are relative to the total of financial institutions.

 « Nel recente Global Financial Stability Report, il Fondo Monetario Internazionale ha aggiornato a 4.100 miliardi di dollari l’entità delle svalutazioni del totale delle istituzioni finanziarie su scala mondiale per il periodo 2007-10. Le perdite si riferiscono al totale delle istituzioni finanziarie.»

Well, if the ALL THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS lost $410 Billions… Where did the $700 Billions that the Fed gave to the banks IN THE USA ONLY, go? In other words, WHO THE HELL STOLE $360 Billions???


UPDATE – Full subtitled interview with the Italian TV – AVAILABLE

Occupy Wall Street will wel­come famed Ital­ian jour­nal­ist in hid­ing, Roberto Saviano, who will be dis­cussing the pro­found cor­re­la­tion between the wors­en­ing of the eco­nomic cri­sis and the sky­rock­et­ing busi­nesses of crim­i­nal orga­ni­za­tions this com­ing Sat­ur­day after­noon. A dra­matic exam­ple of this cor­re­la­tion is Italy, where the mafia is tak­ing advan­tage of the country’s unprece­dented cri­sis. If new rules do not arise, Saviano explains, the mafias will deter­mine our future.

Buy more TV time for this ad:
It has already aired on Fox News, History Channel, Bloomberg and elsewhere!

Most important demand is ending the FED because:

  • They’ve enslaved the U.S. government with debt.
  • They create money out of thin air.
  • The banks that now dominate the U.S. banking system use the FED as a tool to make money.
  • They devalue our currency.
  • They manipulate the U.S. economy by setting national interest rates.
  • They control the money supply.
  • The Federal Reserve is not part of the US government.
  • They’ve become too powerful.
  • They’re not accountable to anyone.
The LAST Republican President, nuked the world economy, instead.

Customers kleft out of Wells Fargo at Capitol Mall in Sacramento

SACRAMENTO – Bank Transfer Day in the state capitol began with a dramatic exchange at the Wells Fargo Capitol Mall location. The Occupy Sacramento protesters marched up to the front doors as two Wells Fargo customers claimed the bank wasn’t allowing them to close their accounts.

“I’m trying to withdraw my money, but I’m not being allowed in,” said a mother with her child holding her bank card up to the glass window.

“They won’t let me shut down my bank account, because there are some punks in there,” said Matt, a young man.

“They said I was loud, banging my head against the glass, and making death threats.”

Both customers were eventually let into the branch and closed their accounts. Wells Fargo spokeswoman Julie Campbell said the branch was closed in the morning for a preplanned power maintenance problem. The branch reopened at 12:30pm, but the property management security guards only opened the doors for individual clients, after they said a disruptive man presented a safety concern for the staff.

“The customer can always choose to close his or her account,” said Campbell.

“We will always honor that request and address their concerns. We’re listening to customers’ views and values.”

Protestors with Move On and Occupy Sacramento said they’re behind the “Bank Transfer Day” to send the message that local banks and credit unions give back to the community instead of corporate greed.

“Local banks invest in local business, local people, the community. They’re not about the profit,” said Rev. Odeye with Occupy Sacramento.

Golden 1 Credit Union prepare for the movement by extending branch hours from 4pm to 6pm and opening all locations over the weekend.

“It’s a busy day for us. We were anticipating we’d see a lot of new members and that’s what’s happening at every branch,” said Vice President of Marketing, Scott Ingram.

From News10

Data and charts show a dramatic shift in wealth inequality (towards the top 1%)



(No Time to Read? See 5 MINUTE Crash Course VIDEOS Below)

Or, if you have 30 minutes, watch this GREAT Movie

1600: England was determined to keep control of both the American colonies and the natural resources they controlled. To do this, the English limited the money supply and made it illegal for the colonies to mint coins of their own. Instead, the colonies were forced to trade using English bills of exchange that could only be redeemed for English goods, from chartered British Corporations, such as British East India Company. Colonists were paid for their work with these same British bills, effectively cutting them off from trading with other countries.

Any Colonists refusing to conform to this first legalized Corporatist economy was accused of being a “Pirate“, and hung without trial.

In response, the colonies regressed back into a barter system using ammunition, tobacco, nails, pelts and anything else that could be traded. Colonists also gathered whatever foreign currencies they could, the most popular being the large, silver Spanish dollars. These were called pieces of eight because, when you had to make change, you pulled out your knife and hacked it into eight bits. From this, we have the expression of, “two bits”, meaning a quarter of a dollar.

1775: Tensions between America and Britain continued to mount until the Revolutionary War, widely regarded at the time as the greatest Currency War in history.

1790: In the aftermath of the American victory, Mayer Amschel Rothschild of the Bank of London states, “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”

1791: The Rothschilds get, “control of a nation’s money,” through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington’s cabinet) when they set up a central bank in the USA called the First Bank of the United States. This is established with a 20 year charter.

“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

The Rothschilds use their control of the Bank of England to replace the method of shipping gold from country to country and instead used their five banks spread across Europe to set up a system of paper debits and credits (“FIAT” money * *see video below). “Fiat Money” is the banking system of today.

This movie can (And will, if you watch it) explain a LOT of things about the Federal Reserve, the *LATE* American Dream and the Actual American Nightmare.

PLEASE, watch it in its entirety, and THEN look for some informations about Rothschild and the Rothschild group. When you do, you will understand that John F. Kennedy died trying to prevent what is happening today.

Ok, now you may want to read the TIMELINE that explains the History behind the movie.