What if we saved the PEOPLE, instead of the banks?

Posted: November 30, 2011 in Uncategorized
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Bloomberg has unveiled that the Fed  “Pumped” liquidity for 770 BILLIONS (*), to the American Banks, go get over the financial crisis. That is, they pushed a button and created value from thin air. They did it covertly, in a way that wouldn’t set the markets on High Alert mode. So, I’m wondering if, instead of giving all that money to the banks, they gave it to the People? After all, It’s the PEOPLE that can’t pay their mortgages, not the banks, right?.

Now, in America there are more or less  528 millions people. So it will be about $15000 each. Not much.

But this line of thought doesn’t work very well, because we are giving the money even to the newborn. So, let’s move the thought to the FAMILIES, that are about 115 millions. That will bring the amount to roughly $67000 per family. Better already. With $67000, a family can start a business, work and create jobs… Restarting the economy in the process.

If we restrict the “Gift” to only the families in trouble, or potentially in trouble because involved in the damn subprime, then you will understand that the problem would have been solved altogether. Moreover, everybody would have a home, no foreclosures, people would have been working and happy.

Yep… But doing things this way would have caused the collapse of several banks

(*): From Milano Finanza:

In the latest Global Financial Stability Report, the International Monetary Fund updated to $410 Billions the total amount of loss of the world financial institutions in the 2007-10 period. The losses are relative to the total of financial institutions.

 « Nel recente Global Financial Stability Report, il Fondo Monetario Internazionale ha aggiornato a 4.100 miliardi di dollari l’entità delle svalutazioni del totale delle istituzioni finanziarie su scala mondiale per il periodo 2007-10. Le perdite si riferiscono al totale delle istituzioni finanziarie.»

Well, if the ALL THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS lost $410 Billions… Where did the $700 Billions that the Fed gave to the banks IN THE USA ONLY, go? In other words, WHO THE HELL STOLE $360 Billions???


  1. Elektrische Zahnbuerste says:

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